Here is my homepage in English. :)
Currently I am a first year PH.D. student of Department of Computer Science and Technology in Nanjing University and a member of LAMDA Group, led by Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou.I received my M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics in June 2013 from Southwest University, Chongqing China. Since september 2014, I was admitted to study for a Ph.D. degree in Nanjing University.
Research Interest:
My research interests include: Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
Awards and Honors:
First runner-up in Cultural Event Recognition at ICCV 2015
Second Prize of National Post-Graduate Mathematic Contest in Modeling (NPGMCM),2011
First Prize of Chinese Mathematics Competitions (CMC),2009
Machine Learning by Stanford University on Coursera. Certificate earned on October 6, 2016
Data Processing Using Python by Nanjing University on Coursera. Certificate earned on October 4, 2016
Coding skills
C++, Matlab, some Python and Shell
Deep learning toolbox: Caffe and Matconvernet
Quick learner, and try to be a full stack engineer
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